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Where Iconic Teams Begin
The Playbook

Align every team to execute with a strong sense of purpose, with a bold vision, aligned on the right priorities, with clear goals, defined metrics, and with an inspiring high velocity rhythm.

The Alignment Advisor
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Join us to define your mission
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Join us to prioritize with a SWOT
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Join us to build an OKR Goals Plan
Follow this 4 step strategic alignment process to create your alignment plan. It starts by defining a purpose-driven mission with a bold vision.


Create Mission
STEP 1: Align your team on a purpose-driven mission, bold vision, values, and a key metric for your org, team, project, or role.
FREQUENCY: Define annually
INSTRUCTIONS: Every team member to create a mission for role.

Add your 7-12 word mission statement to the top of your SWOT Analysis, Plan, Retro.
Group Planning: Have each team member create a team mission and link each team member's mission to the "team missions" section. Make sure you are aligned. Review and reconfirm quarterly.
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Create SWOT
STEP 2: Teams to analyze your current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to team mission?
FREQUENCY: Perform quarterly

Complete 3 weeks before quarter start
INSTRUCTIONS: Every team member to perform a SWOT Analysis against their role.

Force rank all items in your SWOT sections in order of importance, drag and drop.

Make sure to write out a conclusion based on what you need to focus on next to make the most amount of progress vs your mission.
Group Planning: Aggregate the top 3 items of each section of each Team SWOT into an aggregate company SWOT. Then, use the stars and have each person vote on top 4 items per section, discuss. Break into groups to draft conclusions.


Create OKR Plan
STEP 3: Use your SWOT Analysis conclusions to drive your strategic objectives and key results on your Alignment OKR plan.
FREQUENCY: Build quarterly

Roll out to team first week of each quarter.
INSTRUCTIONS: Every team member to build an OKR Plan for their role.

Use your SWOT Conclusion to drive your Plan objectives.  

Define initiative based key results that are measurable, outcome based -ex: deliver ##, Launch ## by ## date, Complete ##.
Group Planning: Have each team member create a team plan once the high level objectives have been set. Team member's top objectives typically roll up into the high level plan as key results. Link the Sub-plans from the company plan.


Create Retro
STEP 4: Perform a team retrospective. Look at what went well, not so well, what you learned. Define action items.
FREQUENCY: Complete quarterly

Complete at quarter end.
INSTRUCTIONS: Every team member to complete a Retrospective.

Force rank all items in your RETRO sections in order of importance, drag and drop.

Group Planning: Aggregating Top 3 items of each section of each Team RETRO into aggregate company RETRO. Then, use the stars and have each person vote on top 4 items per section.


Reconfirm your bold, purpose-driven vision for your organization, team, project, or role
Group Planning: Have each team member create a team mission and link each team member's mission to the "team missions" section. Make sure you are aligned. Review and reconfirm quarterly.
Tags: Mission
Visibility: Team Edit
Title: Company Dept | Mission
Create Mission
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LEADER PREP: Leaders, copy your team members mission statements to your "Mission section" and list as line items in addition to your team mission statement
ALIGNMENT: Leaders, copy your team members top 3 items from each section to your team SWOT. The copying exercise is a good way to read and digest the inputs from each team. Ded-up items if necessary.
ALIGNMENT: Leaders, add your team members 3-4 key objectives to your team Alignment plan as key results tied to your objectives.  Tune the text to include core key result initiatives so it communicates the initiative and inspires the team.
ALIGNMENT: Leaders, copy your team members top 3 items from each section to your team SWOT. The copying exercise is a good way to read and digest the inputs from each team. Ded-up items if necessary.

PLANNING | Recommended CY Timeline

The Alignment Plan blends mission, strategy, team alignment, and execution all on a single screen designed to be easily presented and shared in slide decks for leadership meetings.
8.26.22Each team aligns on team MISSION
9.1.22Each team completes a RETRO
9.3.22Each team completes a SWOT
9.6.22Aggregate SWOT prioritization discussion [offsite]
9.17.22Each team drafts an Alignment Plan
9.20.22Aggregate team Alignment Plan discussion [offsite]
10.4.22Q4 Alignment Plan roll-out
11.11. 22Mission alignment
12.01. 22Each team completes a RETRO
11.18.22Each team completes a SWOT
11.29.22Aggregate SWOT prioritization discussion [offsite]
12.13.22Each team drafts an Alignment Plan
12.20.22Aggregate team Alignment Plan discussion [offsite]
1.10.23Q1 Alignment Plan kickoff
2.28. 23Mission alignment
3.01. 23Each team completes a RETRO
3.10.23Each team completes a SWOT
3.14.23Aggregate SWOT prioritization discussion [offsite]
3.21.23Each team drafts an Alignment Plan
3.28.23Aggregate team Alignment Plan discussion [offsite]
4.5.23Q2 Alignment Plan kickoff
5.30.23Mission alignment
6.01.23Each team completes a RETRO
6.06.23Each team completes a SWOT
6.13.23Aggregate SWOT prioritization discussion [offsite]
6.20.23Each team drafts an Alignment Plan
6.27.23Aggregate team Alignment Plan discussion [offsite]
7.11.23Q3 Alignment Plan kickoff